T +420 222 70 30 70
E info@goout.cz
Ticket office opens 90 minutes before the performance starts.
T +420 222 70 30 70
E info@goout.cz
Ticket office opens 90 minutes before the performance starts.
Kateřina Věra Holna
manager Bar78
E: bar78@bublina.bar
T: +420 602 609 679
Erik Uko
Catering and bar manager
E: eventy@bublina.bar
T: +420 739 917 254
MON-FRI 10.00 AM–23.00 PM
SAT-SUN 90 minutes before the performance (if played)
BAR78 – T: +420 216 216 146
Jatka78, z. ú.
Holešovická tržnice, haly 7 a 8
Bubenské nábřeží 306/13
170 00 Praha 7 – Holešovice
Jatka78, z. ú.
Rybná 716/24
110 00 Praha 1 – Staré město
Czech Republic
`IČ: 04085345
bank account number: 78000078/2010