A group of young circus adventurers exploring space on their first mission above the ground.
What defines this very place in the air between them and how does one find a connection? About to find out they test their strength against gravity and experience what it feels like to fly and fall.
Each artist slowly weaves a net of individual paths as they cross in midair where straps intertwine as the silver lining. In small framed episodes and stunning acrobatics the audience gets a glimpse of the aerial world and the moment when the risk to fall lies in the hand of a newly found relation.
The German-Scandinavian circus company strapmania produced their performance solely based on the aerial apparatus straps which explored collectively led to the first of a series of consultations on body and apparatus out of a contemporary circus perspective.
The performance is financially supported by the Czech-German Future Fund (Deutsch-Tschechische Zukunftsfonds).