My kluci, co spolu chodíme CZ

Deus ex mikrofona s Alicí Nellis

A performance that the Boys are creating for the first time in collaboration with the directors right in front of your eyes. Every time, an unpredictable result. A different director each time.

Deus Ex Microphona is a series of performances where communication occurs right in front of the audience between the preformers of My kluci, co spolu chodíme and the embodiment of their "god" – the director, choreographer, or other leading artistic figure. As the title implies, the performance creates parallels between the role of the director and the role of the deity. The voice of the director represents a higher power, akin to a god, who observes and directs the actions of the performers without physically manifesting himself on stage.

Audiences can thus get a glimpse behind the scenes of the creative processes and discover different approaches in the work of individual directors and creators. The usually invisible but ubiquitous work of the directors suddenly finds itself, like the actors, right in front of the audience's eyes. What will be the mutual dynamics of these temporary creative teams? Will the story reach a happy ending?

Last but not least, with this series, Boys will also highlight the paradox of their own creation – the (im)possibility of directing an improvised production. Is it even possible to retain one's own authenticity and spontaneity while fitting into the boundaries set by the directors?

Deus Ex Microphona is a series of performances with an uncertain course and ending. Each performance will be conceived by a different, distinctive director who will be forced to improvise together with the Boys. These unique experiences will give you a glimpse into the way different creative personalities work.

60-90 min.
Suitable from
15 years

Dates & Tickets

Now not showing. Current shows

Creators & cast

  • Directed by hosté
  • Cast Lukas Blaha, Andrej Lyga, Šimon Pliska, Václav Wortner a hosté
  • Supervision Jiří Havelka
  • Dramaturgy Jiří Šimek
  • Scenography Jan Tomšů
  • Music Tomáš Kůgel / David Lomič
  • Lighting design Jonatan Vnouček
  • Production Lucie Mlejnková, Lola Madyarová
  • Promotion Žaneta Špánková
  • Photo Michal Hančovský